Anketa IWF

Věnujte pozornost prosbě IWF

IWF předkládá národním federacím tuto anonymní anketu pro mladé nadějné vzpěrače za účelem statisticky podchytit možnou korelaci mezi časnou specializací a četností zranění. Statistika je určená pro širokou národní reprezentaci a medailisty národních šampionátů věkových kategorií do 20 let. Vyplnění ankety Vám zabere zhruba 10 minut. IWF dává možnost odpovědět z výběru 10 jazyků.

To the attention of all IWF Member Federations

Dear President/ General Secretary,

Please find below a survey made for "elite" athletes of early sports specialization in weightlifting. 


The goal is for National Governing Body in Weightlifting to share this brief 20 question survey with their "elite" athletes. This is an anonymous survey that will help in Weightlifting and Sports medicine look at rates of injuries and if there is a correlation between early sports specialization in Weightlifting.



“Elite” is defined as competing on the international level or placing as a top medal finisher at their national events currently and in the past 5 years. 


Early Sports Specialization” is defined as the point in which a young athlete stops participating in any other organized sport to focus solely on primary sport, in this case, weightlifting.


You can select one from the 10 different languages which links to the survey: -English  -Japanese - French -Spanish  -Polish -Chinese -German -Hungarian -Russian -Arabic

The survey takes less than 10 minutes and it is an online survey, therefore the athletes can easily fill it in.

The IWF wishes to ask its Member Federations to distribute the survey among their athletes and encouraged them to complete it.


DISCLOSURE: This research survey has been reviewed by the York Hospital Emig Research Center, IRB board and is considered IRB exempt. This research was reviewed both by IWF Medical and Research and Education committees and approved to be sent to IWF member-athletes. There is no financial renumeration to researchers nor surveyed athletes in participating in this brief survey.  This is an anonymous survey and is HIPAA compliant and devoid of personal medical information.




IWF Secretariat


International Weightlifting Federation

Istvanmezei ut 1-3.

1146 Budapest – HUNGARY

Phone: +36 1 3530530

Fax: +36 1 3530199