Congress elections:
Chairman: Bill Barton (GBR)
Secretary/Treasurer: Kurt Rosenberger (GER)
Vice chairman: Jan Hindrichsen (SWE)
Vice chairman: Anton Huber (AUT)
Anti doping: Tony Flood, Melvyn Barton (GBR) -
Newly elected member:
Michael Vereecke (BEL)
Nominations (other):
Nikolaos Galiatsatos (GRE)
(Nomination not accepted by European Masters Committee) -
Gerhard Peya (AUT)
(Nomination withdrawn)
Championship calendar
2009 - Tagliotii, Russia, 22nd - 30th May
2010 - Linz, Austria, Date to be announced
2011 - Bids (voting 2009)
1. Heinsheim, German
2. Kazinbarcika, Hungary
3. Cyprus